Water and food for Antsirabé Schools

Antsirabé Schools

Country : Madagascar

Sacré Coeur School located at 4 km from Antsirabé city center

Number of student : 158


Antsirabé is located 180 km from Antananarivo, capital of Madagascar. It is the third largest city in the country with 307,000 inhabitants.

It is located at 1500 m altitude, it is called the Vichy of Madagascar because of these many sources of thermal or mineral water still exploited today.

Antsirabé has become the country’s leading industrial center with the establishment of the island’s largest textile company and other companies that produce local beverages. Agriculture is the second main activity of the region.

Meeting of Agir Ensemble (Act Together) – Safe Water Cube with the Mayor of Antsirabe

On July 24, 2018, the founder of the Safe Water Cube Jean-Paul Augereau and the Honorary Counselor  Paul Razanakolona Andiamasitera and his 1st associate Lucien Randrianambinina, President of the Association Taratra Ny Ankisy.

This will include the finalization of the collaboration action between the Agir Ensemble Association, the Antsirabe City Hall and the Association of Households in Antsirabé, as well as the scaffolding facilities and the financier of growth for the demands.

Targets of the project:

This first collaboration began with the Sacred Heart School located in the countryside 4 km from downtown Antsirabe which today has 158 children enrolled from 3 years and a half to 14 years.

The average monthly income of families is around € 30 and the cost of schooling a child is € 0.80 / child / month.

The problem of this school is that many children must travel between 2 and 3 km every lunchtime to go home to lunch with their parents. Other children in the countryside are out of school because of this distance.

The action of Safe Water Cube is to bring drinking water using water from the well of this school and also to finance the lunch so that the 158 children can remain on the spot and also to allow the children not educated to be able to come to school.

The goal is to welcome 200 children at the beginning of the 19th November 2018.

The collaborative action put in place consists of:

  • The City Hall provides a free room to store food and wood for cooking rice.
  • The association Taratry Ny Ankisy is responsible each week for feeding the school with rice, wood and vegetables to make the meals.
  • Parents of students have formed teams to make and serve meals every day in the school.
  • The association Agir Ensemble and Safe Water Cube finance all the meals for an annual amount of 5000 € and the Safe Water Cube fountain.

The aim is to replicate this action on about 10 schools located in the countryside around Antsirabe, about 5,000 children and to allow 1000 children to have access to education.

Cost of the overall project: € 5 000 / year

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