India – Salem Orphanage


Salem Orphanage

Country : India

Place : Salem Orphanage 

Number of children : 250 orphans

Installation Date : 02/01/2017


Drinking water is a dream for 70% of the Indian population. The association Sacha in partnership with a local NGO JMHA, collects donations, medical equipment, school supplies to send to orphanages in southern India in the Tamil Nadu region.

Today, children can have water in the surrounding wells despite the fact that it is unfit for human consumption and causes many health problems including diarrheal diseases, hepatitis A and typhoid fever.

It is in this context that the Safe Water Cube endowment fund and the Sacha association have joined forces to send a Safe Water Cube water fountain which arrived at the beginning of January 2017.

Presentation of the project in an orphanage

The project consists of installing 1 Safe Water Cube fountain in an orphanage in South India in the Tamil Nadu region to allow all children access to safe drinking water and prevent the spread of disease due to poor quality of water.

This project focuses on two points: WATER and HEALTH

  • The supply and installation of a fountain Safe Water Cube.
  • Provide training to orphans on the importance of drinking water.

Targets of the project:

  1. Contribute to sustainably improving the living conditions of orphans by providing them with access to drinking water.
  2. To fight against the epidemics of hepatitis A, of typhoid fever and to train the orphans with the sanitary and hygienic needs.

PROJECT FUNDED thanks to your donations (Total cost: 5 500 €)

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