Access to safe drinking water in the world is one of the 17 Global Goals of the United Nations (UN) adopted by 193 countries.
Our goal: to implant Safe Water Cube fountains in all regions where access and the right to drinking water has become a problem.
Thanks to our solidarity innovation, access to drinking water should no longer be a problem but an evidence.
Only 2600 Safe Water Cube fountains are needed to prevent the death of more than 2.6 million people worldwide.
In the process of creating circular economy projects in association with competent structures (Spirulina, Moringa)
We are improving the health of men, women and children living in developing countries through the Safe Water Cube fountain. It stops all viruses and bacteria causing diarrheal diseases, cholera, dysentery and hepatitis without destroying the minerals in the water.
The Safe Water Cube endowment fund and the Agir Ensemble association set up projects in partnership with schools in France and in the villages where we install the Safe Water Cube fountains. We educate children from 3 to 22 years on access to drinking water in the world, the waste of blue gold, the water cycle.
We created a play and an illustrated story entitled « The Curse of the Gnouilles » on the themes of water, health, respect for others and social link.
The management of the Safe Water Cube fountain in villages is managed by 2 people: a man and a woman. The Safe Water Cube Endowment Fund and the Agir Ensemble Association make a point of honoring gender equality in all its projects.
The first objective of the Safe Water Cube endowment fund and the Agir Ensemble association is to allow unrestricted access to drinking water for the 2 billion people who today live without safe water and under precarious conditions.
Thanks to the Safe Water Cube fountain, we are improving the living conditions of thousands of people by providing them with a primary need: drinking water.
The management of the Safe Water Cube fountain in the villages is managed by 2 people. This man and this woman are paid by the whole village. They are the guarantors of the Safe Water Cube fountain. They are in charge of providing drinking water to the entire village, cleaning the fountain and the proper use of it.
We improve the living conditions of the population by providing access to employment.
We use all surface waters that are unfit for consumption. We allow people to stay in their homes and avoid the rural exodus as much as possible.
The production of a Safe Water Cube fountain is equal to a person’s CO2 consumption for a day. Once the fountain is installed, the Safe Water Cube produces NO CO2 emissions because it uses no energy source.